0) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($dbResult)) { $encryptedEmailLength = strlen($row->email); for($x=0;$x<$encryptedEmailLength;$x++){ $l = substr($row->email,$x,1); if($x == 0||$l =="@"||$l=="."||$x>($encryptedEmailLength-6)){ $email .= "$l"; } else { $email .= "*"; } } //I dont want this in toplist $query = "update topsongbooksongs set textonly='1' where url='$url'"; sql_query($query, $dbLinkAdmin); ?>

This song is not available any more

Sorry. Someone has asked for this song to be removed from Chordie.

The removal request was received and was posted by . The reason stated for the removal was "".

If you think this removal request is invalid, please contact support@chordie.com. However, please remember that while Chordie would like to index as many songs as possible, we still have the policy that we also respect someone not sharing this wish.

Please use the menu above to search or browse for other songs, or go to the front page.

Sorry. The transcriber has asked for this song to be removed from Chordie. Hope you find the song elsewhere on the site"); exit; } if ((strstr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "url=") != "") && (strstr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "replaceqmark") != "")) { $url = substr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 4); $url = str_replace("replaceqmark", "?", $url); } //Replace all hellforged.net with beavertabs for non songbook questions if ($songbook != "source") $url = str_replace("guitartabs.hellforged.net", "www.beavertabs.com", $url); //Special fix for guitartabs //Do not apply when called from songbook //Removed this line, since it crashes with the stars //Not too sure about the consequenses //if ($songbook != "source"){ if ((strstr($url, "guitartabs.cc") != "" || (strstr($url, "hellforged") != "") || (strstr($url, "beavertabs.com") != "") || (strstr($url, "chriscentral.com") != "") || (strstr($url, "ultimate-guitar.com") != "")) && (strstr($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], "url=") == "") && strstr($url, "replaceqmark") == "") { $url = $url . "replaceqmark" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } //} //Removed by mail request if (strstr($url, "/azra/")) { //artistheadertitle == "azra"){ print ("

This song is removed from Chordie. The removal request was received 09.06.2014. If you think this removal request is invalid, please contact support@chordie.com. "); print ("

"); print ("

"); include 'include/footersign.inc'; include 'include/footer.inc'; exit; } if ($url == "http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/print.phpreplaceqmarkwhat=tab&id=77372" || $url == "http://www.chordie.com/chord.pere/www.ultimate-guitar.com/print.phpreplaceqmarkwhat=tab&id=430457" || $url == "http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/print.phpreplaceqmarkwhat=tab&id=27802") { print ("
This song is removed by transcribers request
"); exit; } if ($url == "http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/print.phpreplaceqmarkwhat=tab&id=191222") { print ("
This song is removed by transcribers request
"); exit; } if ($url == "http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/print.phpreplaceqmarkwhat=tab&id=20907") { print ("
This song is removed - possible trademark infringement
"); exit; } if ($url == "http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/print.phpreplaceqmarkwhat=tab&id=20817") { print ("
This song is removed - possible trademark infringement
"); exit; } if ($url == "http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/print.phpreplaceqmarkwhat=tab&id=346244") { print ("
This song is removed
"); exit; } if ($url == "http://home.swipnet.se/~w-29806/Tab/Guitar/Svenska/p/Perssons Pack/vilken_underbar_varld.crd") { print ("
This song is removed by transcribers request
"); exit; } if ($url == "http://home.swipnet.se/~w-29806/Tab/Guitar/Svenska/k/Kent/thinner.crd") { print ("
This song is removed by transcribers request
"); exit; } if ($url == "http://www.roughstock.com/cowpie/songs/plaintext.html/m/misc/the_reservation-crd.html") { print ("
This song is removed by writers request
"); exit; } if ($url == "http://www.xguitar.com/guitar-tabs/bush/razor_blade_suitcase/mouth.txt") { print ("
This song is removed by transcribers request
"); exit; } if ($url == "http://www.guitaretab.com/b/bush/2700.html") { print ("
This song is removed by transcribers request
"); exit; } if ($url == "http://getsome.org/guitar/olga/main/b/bush/mouth.tab") { print ("
This song is removed by transcribers request
"); exit; } if ($url == "http://www.beavertabs.com/index.phpreplaceqmarkident=13327931") { print ("
This song is removed by transcribers request
"); exit; } if ($url == "http://www.lindesign.se/uwp/guitar/c/francis_cabrel/petite_marie.crd") { print ("
Removed by transcribers request
"); exit; } if ($url == "http://www.xguitar.com/guitar-tabs/ac_dc/dirty_deeds_done_dirt_cheap/aint_no_fun_waitin_round_to_be_a_millionaire.txt") { print ("
Removed by transcribers request
"); exit; } if (strstr($url, "77372") != "" || strstr($url, "36888") != "" || strstr($url, "77374") != "" || strstr($url, "68906") != "" || strstr($url, "199530") != "" || strstr($url, "199531") != "" || strstr($url, "372431") != "") { print ("

This song is removed by transcribers/authors request

"); include 'include/footer.inc'; exit; } //avoid some strange errors with escaping apostroph //probably not the right way to fix the problem $url = str_replace(" ", "%20", $url); $url = str_replace("__and__", "&", $url); $url = str_replace("\\", "", $url); //Make sure a tuning is set //BUG 2012 - unnecessary if !user if ($_GET['tuning'] == "") { $tuning = "EADGBE"; //Check if the user have selected something else as default $q = "select tuning from guitaradmin.favinst where user='" . addslashes($username) . "';"; $loginLink = mysql_pconnect(MY_DATABASE_HOST, MY_DATABASE_USERNAME, MY_DATABASE_PASSWORD); $favResult = sql_query($q, $loginLink); $favRow = mysql_fetch_array($favResult); if ($favRow[0] != "") $tuning = $favRow[0]; } //Check if layoutstyle is set $htmlmode = "css"; if($username){ $q = "select htmlmode from guitaradmin.favinst where user='" . addslashes($username) . "';"; $loginLink = mysql_pconnect(MY_DATABASE_HOST, MY_DATABASE_USERNAME, MY_DATABASE_PASSWORD); $favResult = sql_query($q, $loginLink); $favRow = mysql_fetch_array($favResult); if ($favRow[0] != "") $htmlmode = $favRow[0]; } $fileurl = str_replace("http://localhost/guitar/", "", $url); $fileurl = str_replace("replaceqmark", "?", $fileurl); //Start content ?>
'/var/ramdisk/', 'lifeTime' => 2419200); //$timer["before creating cache lite object"] = microtime(true); // Create a Cache_Lite objects $Cache_Lite_song = new Cache_Lite($options); // Test if there is a valid cache for this id and caching of content is enabled //If this should be added to the songbook, it should also be rendered from scratch //This way we get the title and the chopro //Note: As of Oct 8th 2007 - content caching is DISABLED. It caused problems with printing!! if ($songbook != "source" && $enableContentCache == "yes" && $data = $Cache_Lite_song->get($contentid) && $songbook != "add" && $songbook != "remove" && $correctsong != "1") { echo "xxx"; $formattedSong = "content loaded from cache".$Cache_Lite_song->get($contentid); //Sets some variables that are needed later into a dummy class preg_match("/

(.*)songtitle = $matches[1]; $songtitle = $chord2html->songtitle; preg_match("/(.*)<\/span><\/a><\/h1>/", $formattedSong, $matches); $chord2html->artistname = stripslashes($matches[1]); $artistname = $chord2html->artistname; $chord2html->sourceurl = $fileurl; } else { if ($songbook != "source") { //Check if this song has been corrected $dbLinkAdmin = mysql_pconnect(MY_DATABASE_HOST, MY_DATABASE_USERNAME, MY_DATABASE_PASSWORD); mysql_select_db(guitaradmin, $dbLinkAdmin); //By error some songs where inserted into correctedsongs with "replaceqmark" at the end. This fix searches for both versions $fileurl2 = $fileurl . "pppppp"; $fileurl2 = str_replace("replaceqmarkpppppp", "", $fileurl2); $fileurl2 = str_replace("?pppppp", "", $fileurl2); $fileurl2 = str_replace("pppppp", "", $fileurl2); $query = "select chopro,editor from guitaradmin.correctedsongs where (url='" . addslashes(str_replace("?", "replaceqmark", $fileurl)) . "' or url='" . addslashes(str_replace("?", "replaceqmark", $fileurl2)) . "') and chopro IS NOT NULL"; $result = sql_query($query, $dbLinkAdmin); if (($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) && ($original != 1)) { $song = stripslashes($row->chopro); if (strpos("&", $url) == "") { $linktooriginal = "/chord.pere/" . str_replace("http://", "", $url) . "?1944-06-06=always&original=1&tuning=$tuning&transpose=$transpose"; } else { $linktooriginal = "/chord.pere/" . str_replace("http://", "", $url) . "&1944-06-06=always&original=1&tuning=$tuning&transpose=$transpose"; } //$correctcomment = "\n"; $myFile = $song; } else { $myFile = createChopro($fileurl, $fileurl, "no"); if ($original == 1) $correctcomment = "\n"; } //turns on debug!! if ($debug == true) { header("Content-Type: text/plain"); print $myFile; exit; } //This should happen only if it is a chopro-file already! // X } else { $timer["before backup if already chopro"] = microtime(true); //If this is called from the songbook, it will give the song from the songbook whatever happens if ($songbook == "source") { $dbLinkAdmin = mysql_pconnect(MY_DATABASE_HOST, MY_DATABASE_USERNAME, MY_DATABASE_PASSWORD); mysql_select_db(guitaradmin, $dbLinkAdmin); $queryUrl = str_replace("?", "replaceqmark", $url); if (strpos($url, "&songbook") != "") { $queryUrl = substr($queryUrl, 0, strpos($queryUrl, "&songbook")); } $fileurl = str_replace("replaceqmark", "?", $queryUrl); //If this is from someone elses songbook if ($owner == "") $owner = $username; //Chenged this from %20 to + - 22122006 $queryUrl = str_replace(" ", "%20", urldecode($queryUrl)); $owner = str_replace("'", "NO INSERTS HERE", $owner); //Check for abuse or inserts //if(strstr($owner,"punbb")){ // exit; //} $query = "select chopro,title,artist from guitaradmin.songbook where url='" . addslashes($queryUrl) . "' and owner='$owner' order by chopro desc"; $result = sql_query($query, $dbLinkAdmin); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $timer["another checkpoint - 111"] = microtime(true); if ($row[0] != "") { $myFile.= stripslashes($row[0]); } else { //Give it one more try.. This time see if the song could be stored under somebody else $query = "select chopro from songbook where url='" . addslashes($queryUrl) . "' limit 1"; $result = sql_query($query, $dbLinkAdmin); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $timer["another checkpoint - 222"] = microtime(true); if ($row[0] != "") { //$myFile = "{t: ".stripslashes($row[1])."}\n"; //$myFile .= "{st: ".stripslashes($row[2])."}\n"; $myFile = stripslashes($row[0]); } else { //$timer["another checkpoint - 333"] = microtime(true); //Now it is time to give up //Giveerror message, and send a mail to admin echo $query; print ("

File not in songbook. Error code: 555.
This is a serious internal error.

It is greatly appreciated it you inform us about this by sending a mail to admin@chordie.com.

Please describe what you did before getting this error message, and include the address of this page.

Thank you!

Debug info: $query
"); $mailmessage = getallinfo(); //No point in sending mail if it is generated by a bot if (strstr($mailmessage, "oogle") == "") { @mail("admin@chordie.com", "Error 555 - File not in songbook", "$mailmessage\n$query", "From: admin@chordie.com"); } //print $query; exit; } } $timer["another checkpoint - 444"] = microtime(true); $unFormattedSong = $myFile; } else { $timer["another checkpoint - 555"] = microtime(true); //Denne skal benytte seg av cachen!!!!! $timer["getting it from cache"] = microtime(true); $myFile = getCachedFile($fileurl); } //Check if the song is in the users' songbook //If it is... .. just give this instead //THIS IS MOST LIKELY OBSOLETE NOW!!! //SEE NEW FUNCTION ABOVE //if ($myFile == "FALSE" && $user !="" && $fileName!=""){ // $dbLinkAdmin2 = mysql_pconnect(MY_DATABASE_HOST, MY_DATABASE_USERNAME, MY_DATABASE_PASSWORD); // mysql_select_db(guitaradmin, $dbLinkAdmin2); // $queryFileName = addslashes(str_replace("?","replaceqmark",$fileName)); // $query = "select chopro from songbook where url='$queryFileName' and owner='$user'"; // $result = sql_query($query, $dbLinkAdmin); // $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); // if ($row[0]!=""){ // $myFile = $row[0]; // } //} if ($myFile == "FALSE") { //$timer["another checkpoint - 666"] = microtime(true); $myFile = @file($fileurl); if (!$myFile) { include ('include/notavailiable.inc'); exit; } $myFile = implode($myFile, ""); } } //XOK //$timer["after chopro is created"] = microtime(true); //Trims any
-tags enclosing the file
    $myFile = trimPre($myFile);
    //If there should be problems with lineshifts and cache. Enable this.
    //$myFile = str_replace("\r", "", $myFile);
    //Problems with some strange chords. Deletes paranthesis
    $myFile = str_replace("[/]", "", $myFile);
    $myFile = str_replace("[(", "[", $myFile);
    $myFile = str_replace(")]", "]", $myFile);
    $myFile = str_replace("[+", "", $myFile);
    $myFile = str_replace("++]", "", $myFile);
    $myFile = str_replace("[A(", "[A", $myFile);
    //Test on: http://chordie.com/chord.pere/www.thudspace.net/tabs/s/springsteen_bruce/one_step_up.pro
    //This song contains two problems for transposing: Short from of {define: is used, and tabulator is used inside brackets.
    $myFile = str_replace("{d:", "{define:", $myFile);
    if (strpos($myFile, "\t") != "") {
        //Changed * to {1,15}. This is taking too long time, and times out.
        //This should make it faster, but I am not sure if it will work
        $myFile = preg_replace("/(\{.{1,15}?)\t(.{1,15}?\})/s", "\\1 \\2", $myFile);
    $timer["after heavy reg exp"] = microtime(true);
    //Give credit
    switch (TRUE) {
            //case (strstr($PHP_SELF, "pjandphil")): $myFile .= "

the song is from PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics site"; break; //case (strstr($url, "pjandphil")): $myFile .= "

\n"; break; case ($pjandphil == 1): $myFile.= "

\n"; break; case (strstr($url, "across_a_painted_sky.crd")): $myFile.= "

Lyrics: Rusty Young
"; break; case (strstr($url, "paul_cotton_do_what_you_do.txt")): $myFile.= "

Lyrics: Paul Cotton and Ron Marzilli
"; break; case (strstr($url, "cotton_paul/not_out_of_mind.crd")): $myFile.= "

Lyrics: Paul Cotton and Ron Marzilli
"; break; } $timer["(chord.pere:185)before running the php-chord-class-script"] = microtime(true); $flatFile = $myFile; //This fixes a small error where the chord2htmlclass formats multiple tags on same line wrong. $myFile = str_replace("}{", "}\n{", $myFile); //Fix a small error where PJ overlaps guitarchords when printing $myFile = str_replace("
the song is from PJ's Guitar Chords & Lyrics site", "", $myFile); if ($correctsong) { //Small bug fix when replaceqmark is at the end of the url $url = $url . "pppppp"; $url = str_replace("replaceqmarkpppppp", "", $url); $url = str_replace("pppppp", "", $url); $dbLink = mysql_pconnect(MY_DATABASE_HOST, MY_DATABASE_USERNAME, MY_DATABASE_PASSWORD); $query = "select * from guitaradmin.correctedsongs where url='" . addslashes($url) . "'"; $result = sql_query($query, $dbLink); if ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result)) { //Get songid $songid = $row->ID; } else { //Insert url and chopro $md5chopro = choproChecksum($myFile); $query = "insert into guitaradmin.correctedsongs set url='" . addslashes($url) . "',editor='" . addslashes($user) . "',md5chopro='" . addslashes($md5chopro) . "',originalchopro='" . addslashes($myFile) . "'"; sql_query($query, $dbLink); //Get songid $query = "select * from guitaradmin.correctedsongs where url='" . addslashes($url) . "'"; $result = sql_query($query, $dbLink); $row = mysql_fetch_object($result); $songid = $row->ID; } //Remove this song from the cache //This is not really testet - should checked - added 20061218 $Cache_Lite_song->remove($contentid); header("Location: /correctsong.php?editsongid=$songid"); } //Add chord definitions $define = str_replace(" ", "+", $define); $define = str_replace("++", "+", $define); $definearray = explode("+", $define); for ($i = 0;$i < count($definearray);$i++) { $definetext = ""; if (trim($definearray[$i]) != "") $definetext.= ("\n{define: " . substr($definearray[$i], 0, -8) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -1, 1) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -8, 1) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -7, 1) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -6, 1) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -5, 1) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -4, 1) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -3, 1) . "}"); $myFile.= $definetext; } //Set the session variables //Used for printing $printvarsong = $myFile; $printvartuning = $tuning; //Chord2html needs array $myFile = explode("\n", $myFile); //Creates the Chord-object $chord2html = new chord2html(); $chord2html->songurl = $url; $chord2html->user = $user; $chord2html->file = $myFile; $chord2html->showhtmlheader = "0"; $chord2html->showhtmlfooter = "0"; $chord2html->imgdir = "ramimages"; $chord2html->imgdirhtml = "/ramimages"; $chord2html->tuning = $tuning; $chord2html->transposevalue = ($transpose + 12) % 12; $chord2html->sourceurl = $fileurl; $chord2html->clickable_grid_images = "voicings.php"; $chord2html->define = $define; $chord2html->return = $url; $chord2html->mysqlpassword = "nievslige"; $chord2html->showversion = 0; $chord2html->htmlmode = $htmlmode; $formattedSong = $chord2html->createhtml(); $artistname = $chord2html->artistname; $songtitle = $chord2html->songtitle; //Removes song for copyright reasons if (trim(strtolower($chord2html->songtitle)) == "tainted love") { print ("

This song is removed by transcribers/authors request

"); include 'include/footer.inc'; exit; } //Remove pjandphil //if (strstr($url,"pjandphil") != "" || strstr($url,"murphypj") != ""){ // print ("

Sorry. This song is currrently not online. There are however other versions of the same song available on Chordie. Please songtitle)."/songartist/".urlencode($chord2html->artistname)."/index.html\">click here to view these songs."); // print ("

"); // print ("

"); // include 'include/footersign.inc'; // include 'include/footer.inc'; // exit; //} $blockhash = strtolower($chord2html->artistname . substr($chord2html->songtitle, 0, 5)); //Debugging - allows admin to see what is going on if ($user == "andymo" || $user == "admin") $blockhash = ""; //Check if this is clocked by musicsales - sets songisblocked variable include ('include/musicsalesblock.inc'); if ($songisblocked == "1") { print ("

"); print ("
I have received a letter from someone claiming that this song violates their copyright. Until these issues are solved, I have chosen to block this song from being shown on Chordie.
"); $query = "update topsongbooksongs set textonly='1' where url='$url'"; sql_query($query, $dbLinkAdmin); include 'include/footer.inc'; exit; } //Blocking all Beatles songs for UK users if (strtolower($chord2html->artistname) == "beatles") { ?> "); print (""); //debug //print (""); } $testtext2 = strtolower($chord2html->artistname); if ($user == "andymo" || $user == "admin") $testtext2 = "xxx"; switch ($testtext2) { case "anal cunt"; print ("
Chordie do no longer index this band.
"); include 'include/footer.inc'; exit; break; } $timer["after running the php-chord-class-script"] = microtime(true); $formattedSong = str_replace("


", "", $formattedSong);
//replaces strange paragraph
$formattedSong = str_replace(chr(213), "'", $formattedSong);

// Save the page to cache
if ($writeToContentCache == "yes") {
    $Cache_Lite_song->save($formattedSong, $contentid);
$timer["almost at the end - checking if user is logged in"] = microtime(true);

if ($username) {
    //Clean up the url
    if (strstr($url, "&transpose") != "") {
        $cleanurl = substr($url, 0, strpos($url, "&transpose"));
    } else {
        $cleanurl = $url;
    mysql_select_db(guitaradmin, $dbLinkAdmin);
    //Add songs to songbook
    if ($songbook == "add") {
        $title = $chord2html->songtitle;
        $artist = $chord2html->artistname;
        //Only insert if no duplicates exists
        $query = "select id from songbook where owner='$user' and url='" . addslashes($cleanurl) . "' and songbookname='" . addslashes($selectedsongbook) . "';";
        $duplicates = mysql_num_rows(sql_query($query, $dbLinkAdmin));
        //Clean up song - remove comments
        //Here there is an error. Also messes up things like A#. Should only delete lines starting with #. Disabled for now
        //$flatFile = preg_replace("/^#(.*)\n/","",$flatFile);
        if (strpos($flatFile, "\n/", "", $flatFile);
        //Add the chord-definitions
        //Add chord definitions
        $define = str_replace(" ", "+", $define);
        $define = str_replace("++", "+", $define);
        $definearray = explode("+", $define);
        for ($i = 0;$i < count($definearray);$i++) {
            $definetext = "";
            if (trim($definearray[$i]) != "") $definetext.= ("\n{define: " . substr($definearray[$i], 0, -8) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -1, 1) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -8, 1) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -7, 1) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -6, 1) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -5, 1) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -4, 1) . " " . substr($definearray[$i], -3, 1) . "}");
            $flatFile.= $definetext;
        //And now it is time to add it to the songbook
        if ($duplicates == "") {
            $htmlbody = addslashes(extractString($formattedSong, "
", "")); $query = "INSERT INTO songbook set owner='$user', url='" . addslashes($cleanurl) . "', title='" . addslashes($title) . "', artist='" . addslashes($artist) . "', chopro='" . addslashes($flatFile) . "', transpose='$transpose', songbookname='" . addslashes($selectedsongbook) . "'"; $dbResult = sql_query($query, $dbLinkAdmin); //Adding this song to the whats hot list //Check if it has a high rating $query = "select layoutrating,accuracyrating,layoutnumber,accuracynumber from songrating where song='" . addslashes($cleanurl) . "';"; $dbResult = sql_query($query, $dbLinkAdmin); $row = mysql_fetch_array($dbResult); //Add to mostpopular only if the rating is OK if (($row[layoutnumber] + $row[accuracynumber] > 2) && ($row[layoutrating] + $row[accuracyrating] > 8)) { //Check if the title of the song exists $query = "SELECT * from whatshot where title='" . addslashes($title) . "'"; $dbResult = sql_query($query, $dbLinkAdmin); $row = mysql_fetch_array($dbResult); //No point in adding this if the title already exists if (!$row) { $query = "INSERT INTO whatshot set url='" . addslashes($cleanurl) . "', title='" . addslashes($title) . "', artist='" . addslashes($artist) . "', date='" . date("Y-m-d") . "';"; $dbResult = sql_query($query, $dbLinkAdmin); } //Delete everything older than one month $targetdate = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-1 month")); $query = "delete from whatshot where date < $targetdate"; $dbResult = sql_query($query, $dbLinkAdmin); } } } //Removes the song if it is marked for removal if ($songbook == "remove") { $clanurl = str_replace("?", "replaceqmark", $clanurl); $query = "delete from songbook where owner='$user' and url='" . addslashes($cleanurl) . "'"; sql_query($query, $dbLinkAdmin); } } $timer["almost at the end - doing some fall-back tricks"] = microtime(true); //When the song does not have any chords, it might as well be presented as pure text //if (strstr("$formattedSong","",$correctcomment,$formattedSong); $formattedSong = str_replace("",$disclaimer,$formattedSong); //Strip away the last part of the song, so that the panel can be printed $formattedSong = str_replace("variations - click chord images

","variations - click chord images",$formattedSong); print (utf8_encode(substr($formattedSong, 0, -12))); //if ((!$addcomment && !$addvideo) || $cancel == "cancel" || $submit == "submit") include ('include/tuningandinstrument.inc'); //if ((!$addcomment && !$addvideo) || $cancel == "cancel" || $submit == "submit") include ('include/songbookandsource.inc'); } print (""); include ('include/panel.inc'); $timer["almost at the end - checking for comments"] = microtime(true); print ("\n\n"); //User comments //include 'include/hor_disclaimer_bottom.inc'; include ('include/improveandcomment.inc'); ?>